Meraih Prestasi Melalui Kristus

Banyak cara untuk meraih prestasi. Kuncinya satu yaitu ketekunan. Dengan ketekunan, siapapun...siapapun dapat meraih prestasi. Bagaimana kita menggambarkan prestasi? biasanya prestasi digambarkan sebagai tercapainya target yang kita tetapkan. Setelah kita mencapai target tersebut, maka kita telah berprestasi.

Tetapi, melalui Kristus prestasi yang kita dapat bukan hanya tercapainya target tetapi Tuhan akan memberikan kepada kita prestasi demi prestasi yang melampaui target kita.

Target yang terbaik dari yang terbaik yang akan kita dapatkan kalau kita dapat meraihnya melalui Kristus!

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

Brukk!! Tembok 50 Meter Tewaskan Seorang Tunawisma

Bandung - Tembok dengan panjang sekitar 50 meter dan tinggi 3 meter, roboh akibat hujan disertai angin kencang di Jalan Tera RT 02 RW 09 Kelurahan Braga Kecamatan Sumur Bandung, Sabtu (23/10/2010) sekitar pukul 13.30 WIB.

Maryadi (67), warga Gombong, tewas seketika tertimpa tembok. Sementara isterinya, Evi (67), selamat dari kejadian naas tersebut. Saat kejadian, suami isteri tunawisma tersebut sedang berteduh di bawah pohon pisang yang berdekatan dengan tembok tersebut karena hujan lebat yang mengguyur Bandung.

"Tadi hujannya besar, kami berteduh di sana. Saya sempat ngajak bapak buat pindah tempat, tapi enggak mau," kata Evi saat ditemui di lokasi kejadian.

Saat berteduh, hujan dan angin semakin kencang. Tiba-tiba tembok pembatas Yayasan Balai Keselamatan pun ambruk. Evi lalu berteriak minta bantuan warga sekitar.

Sekitar pukul 14.30 WIB, mayat baru bisa dibawa ke RS Hasan Sadikin. Hal itu karena mayat Maryadi tertimpa reruntuhan tembok dan sulit dibuka. Sementara Evi mengalami luka di memar di kaki kirinya. "Saya cuma kena ini aja," ujarnya sambil memperlihatkan kaki kirinya yang memar.

Kapolsek Sumur Bandung AKP Bodhi Widodo mengatakan, pihaknya masih melakukan penyelidikan. Dugaan sementara, tembok runtuh karena tembok tergerus air selokan.

"Kemungkinan tergerus, ditambah hujan dan angin kencang," katanya.


sumber :

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

Leadership Lessons From Dancing Guy


If you've learned a lot about leadership and making a movement, then let's watch a movement happen, start to finish, in under 3 minutes, and dissect some lessons:

A leader needs the guts to stand alone and look ridiculous. But what he's doing is so simple, it's almost instructional. This is key. You must be easy to follow!

Now comes the first follower with a crucial role: he publicly shows everyone how to follow. Notice the leader embraces him as an equal, so it's not about the leader anymore - it's about them, plural. Notice he's calling to his friends to join in. It takes guts to be a first follower! You stand out and brave ridicule, yourself. Being a first follower is an under-appreciated form of leadership. The first follower transforms a lone nut into a leader. If the leader is the flint, the first follower is the spark that makes the fire.

The 2nd follower is a turning point: it's proof the first has done well. Now it's not a lone nut, and it's not two nuts. Three is a crowd and a crowd is news.

A movement must be public. Make sure outsiders see more than just the leader. Everyone needs to see the followers, because new followers emulate followers - not the leader.

Now here come 2 more, then 3 more.  Now we've got momentum.  This is the tipping point! Now we've got a movement!

As more people jump in, it's no longer risky. If they were on the fence before, there's no reason not to join now. They won't be ridiculed, they won't stand out, and they will be part of the in-crowd, if they hurry. Over the next minute you'll see the rest who prefer to be part of the crowd, because eventually they'd be ridiculed for not joining.

And ladies and gentlemen that is how a movement is made!  Let's recap what we learned:

If you are a version of the shirtless dancing guy, all alone, remember the importance of nurturing your first few followers as equals, making everything clearly about the movement, not you.

Be public. Be easy to follow!

But the biggest lesson here - did you catch it?

Leadership is over-glorified.

Yes it started with the shirtless guy, and he'll get all the credit, but you saw what really happened:

It was the first follower that transformed a lone nut into a leader.

There is no movement without the first follower.

We're told we all need to be leaders, but that would be really ineffective.

The best way to make a movement, if you really care, is to courageously follow and show others how to follow.

When you find a lone nut doing something great, have the guts to be the first person to stand up and join in.

© 2010 Derek Sivers

sumber :

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

May Your Presence Go With Us - Don Moen (untuk latihan)

If Your presence doesn't go with us
We don't want to leave this place
Lord we need You near
As we go from here
To lead us by Your love and grace
May Your presence fill us everyday
May Your Spirit lead the way
Lord to You we call
Let Your glory fall
And may Your presence go with us
If Your presence doesn't go with us
We don't want to leave this place
Lord we need You near
As we go from here
To lead us by Your love and grace

bridge 1 :
If we have found favor in Your sight
Show us Your way O Lord
'Cause we want to know You and live in Your light
For all of our days show us Your way

Bridge 2 :
We have our hopes and we have our dreams
But we cannot go where You will not lead 

Bila Engkau Tak Bersamaku
Ku Tak Mau Berjalan
Ku Perlu Tuhan
Pimpin Langkahku
Dengan Kasih Karuniamu

Pimpin Langkahku Setiap Waktu
Berjalan Dalam Rohmu
Nyatakan Tuhan Kemuliaanmu
Dan Berjalanlah Denganku
(ga pake bridge) 

Kenapa Pasangan Makin Jarang Komunikasi

VIVAnews - Teknologi memang mempermudah kita untuk berkomunikasi dengan pasangan. Tetapi, hal ini justru bisa membuat Anda dan pasangan makin jarang untuk bertemu dan berbicara secara langsung.
Diketahui dari survei yang dilakukan oleh sebuah perusahaan asuransi, Esure, satu dari sepuluh pasangan menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu berkomunikasi melalui telepon, email dan chatting dibandingkan berkomunikasi secara langsung. 
Meningkatnya beban kerja adalah salah satu penyebab pasangan menghabiskan waktu berbicara dengan tatap muka kurang dari satu jam dalam sehari. Diketahui juga satu dari lima pasangan menghabiskan waktu hanya 15 menit sehari berbicara secara pribadi.
Pasangan rata-rata saling mengirim 1002 sms dan hampir 400 e-mail setiap tahunnya. Wanita rata-rata mengirim sms lebih banyak lebih banyak dari pria, rata-rata dua kali sms tiap harinya.
Dari 1.000 orang yang terlibat dalam survei diketahui sebanyak 13 persen selalu memeriksa akun Facebook pasangannya untuk mengetahui kegiatan mereka. Lalu, tidak termasuk waktu tidur, rata-rata pasangan hanya menghabiskan waktu untuk berkomunikasi dengan tatap muka hanya 45 menit hingga tiga jam per minggunya.
Sebanyak 51 menit dihabiskan dihabiskan dengan diam sambil menonton televisi dan 37 menit mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah tangga. Lebih dari 27 persen pasangan mengaku tidak memiliki waktu untuk berkomunikasi secara tatap muka kecuali saat libur akhir pekan. Dari survei juga diketahui 41 persen pasangan lebih memilih menggunakan sms, email, chatting dan situs jejaring sosial untuk menyampaikan pesan daripada berbicara langsung.
"Kita bisa memberitahu gambaran perasaan, pada orang yang kita cintai atau benci hanya dengan mengklik tombol tanpa melihat reaksi nyata dari mereka. Sesekali jangan gunakan teknologi dan luangkanlah waktu untuk berkomunikasi langsung," kata Dr. Cecilia d’Felice, psikolog asal Inggris, seperti dikutip dari Daily Mail.

sumber :

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Mie Instan Indomie Dirazia Di Taiwan, Taipeh: Produk mie instan Indomie dirazia petugas Departemen Kesehatan dan Makanan Taiwan karena diduga mengandung dua zat yang tidak diperkenankan untuk digunakan dalam makanan dan dilarang dijual. Namun pihak PT. Indofood, selaku produsen Indomie menyatakan tidak yakin produk yang dirazia adalah produk yang diekspor resmi ke Taiwan, Senin (11/10).
Dalam rekaman video Public Television Service yang disiarkan di Taiwan terlihat sejumlah petugas menyegel kardus Indomie dan mengambil mie instan itu dari rak-rak toko. Bahkan sejumlah konsumen yang akan membeli Indomie pun terlihat terkejut saat ada razia.
Dari hasil tes Departemen Kesehatan Taiwan, Indomie mengandung dua bahan pengawet Hydroxy Methyl Benzoate pada mienya dan pengawet Benzoic Acid pada bumbunya. Dua bahan ini tidak lolos dalam klarifikasi barang impor.
Terkait kasus ini, pihak Indomie pun menyatakan mie instan yang di ekspor ke Taiwan telah sepenuhnya memenuhi peraturan Departemen Kesehatan dan Biro Keamanan Taiwan. Indofood Berkeyakinan mie instan yang di razia pihak Taiwan bukan mie instan yang ditujukan pasar Taiwan. Jadi yang dijual di Indonesia mengandung bahan yang dilarang di Taiwan.(JAY/AYB)


Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

Siapa Albert Einsten? "Saudara Frankenstein!"

Hasil survey terhadap 2.000 anak mengkhawatirkan. Mereka lebih paham Britney Spears.
Jum'at, 8 Oktober 2010, 13:32 WIB
Elin Yunita Kristanti

VIVAnews -- Sebuah survey dilakukan pada 2.000 anak sekolah di Inggris. Hasilnya, mengkhawatirkan. Anak-anak tak tahu fakta-fakta sejarah atau sains. Otak mereka dijejali informasi soal selebritis dan hal remeh-temeh.

Satu dari lima anak yang disurvey percaya bahwa tokoh kartun Toy Story, Buzz Lightyear, adalah manusia pertama yang menjejakkan kakinya ke Bulan, bukan astronot Neil Amstrong.

Namun, dua pertiga anak berusia 6-12 tahun itu dengan benar mengidentifikasikan malaria sebagai 'penyakitnya Cheryl Cole'. Mereka juga tahu bahwa David Beckham adalah pemain bola yang baru saja didrop oleh pelatih Fabio, Capello.

Penulis buku 'What on Earth Wallbook', Christopher Lloyd mengaku prihatin. "Terlihat jelas anak-anak bingung jika ditanya soal sejarah," kata dia seperti dimuat laman Telegraph, Jumat 8 Oktober 2010.

"Neil Amstrong tentunya tidak akan senang jika tahu bahwa mainan plastik dinobatkan jadi manusia pertama yang melangkahkan kaki di bulan."

Kata dia, anak muda sekarang hanya punya sedikit atau bahkan sama sekali tak punya gambaran konteks sejarah.

Survey juga menemukan sepertiga anak tidak tahu bahwa Alexander Graham Bell menemukan telepon.

Riset ini juga menemukan pengetahuan sains dan angkasa luar yang dimiliki anak-anak memprihatinkan. Sebanyak 11 persen anak pikir Isaac Newton adalah penemu api dan Albert Einstein adalah saudara monster, Frankenstein.

Sementara satu dari enam anak pikir Deathstar dalam Film Star Wars adalah planet terjauh dari Bumi.

Satu dari 20 anak berpikir tokoh besar Christopher Columbus penemu lipsuction atau sedot lemak, bukan Amerika. Sementara satu dari 10 percaya Rolf Harris adalah pelukis Mona Lisa.

Secara visual, tak kalah payahnya. Satu dari enam anak gagal mengidentifikasi foto Presiden Amerika Serikat, Barack Obama. Anak-anak mengira Obama sebagai Mr T dari A-Team atau pembalap F1, Lewis Hamilton. Bahkan ada yang menjawab, "Itu foto Nelson Mandela."

Yang menakutkan mereka lebih paham dunia selebritis dan showbiz. Sebanyak 65 persen anak tahu persis Britney Spears pernah menggunduli rambutnya, dan 55 persen tahu bahwa model, Jordan menikah dua kali.

"Sangat mengkhawatirkan anak-anak sekarang lebih peduli dengan selebritis daripada figur-figur berpengaruh dan sejarah yang mengubah dunia."

sumber :

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

GIFTED HANDS : THE STORY OF BEN CARLSON yang sangat luar biasa!!! memberkati banget!! seseorang yang lahir dari keluarga yang tidak beruntung (tidak mempunyai ayah), direndahkan bahkan dihina karena dia seorang negro, dan memiliki emosi yang sangat meledak-ledak pada awalnya....tetapi kemudian dia menjadi ahli bedah syaraf anak (Pediatric Neurosurgery) terbaik. Benar-benar Tuhan memberikan tangan yang diberkati....

Yang membuatnya berhasil adalah dorongan ibunya yang begitu kuat. Yang mengharuskan kedua anaknya untuk menghabiskan waktunya bukan di depan televisi tetapi membaca buku minimal 2 judul dalam seminggu dan diharuskan untuk memberikan laporan tertulis kepada ibunya...sekalipun ibunya tidak memeriksanya karena tidak bisa membaca.

Tonton filmnya, maka akan banyak berkat yang akan kita dapatkan. Tuhan memberkati.

Benjamin Carson was born in Detroit, Michigan. His mother Sonya had dropped out of school in the third grade, and married when she was only 13. When Benjamin Carson was only eight, his parents divorced, and Mrs. Carson was left to raise Benjamin and his older brother Curtis on her own. She worked at two, sometimes three, jobs at a time to provide for her boys.
Benjamin and his brother fell farther and farther behind in school. In fifth grade, Carson was at the bottom of his class. His classmates called him "dummy" and he developed a violent, uncontrollable temper.
Benjamin Carson Biography Photo
When Mrs. Carson saw Benjamin's failing grades, she determined to turn her sons' lives around. She sharply limited the boys' television watching and refused to let them outside to play until they had finished their homework each day. She required them to read two library books a week and to give her written reports on their reading even though, with her own poor education, she could barely read what they had written.
Within a few weeks, Carson astonished his classmates by identifying rock samples his teacher had brought to class. He recognized them from one of the books he had read. "It was at that moment that I realized I wasn't stupid," he recalled later. Carson continued to amaze his classmates with his newfound knowledge and within a year he was at the top of his class.
The hunger for knowledge had taken hold of him, and he began to read voraciously on all subjects. He determined to become a physician, and he learned to control the violent temper that still threatened his future. After graduating with honors from his high school, he attended Yale University, where he earned a degree in Psychology.
From Yale, he went to the Medical School of the University of Michigan, where his interest shifted from psychiatry to neurosurgery. His excellent hand-eye coordination and three-dimensional reasoning skills made him a superior surgeon. After medical school he became a neurosurgery resident at the world-famous Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. At age 32, he became the hospital's Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery.
Benjamin Carson Biography Photo
In 1987, Carson made medical history with an operation to separate a pair of Siamese twins. The Binder twins were born joined at the back of the head. Operations to separate twins joined in this way had always failed, resulting in the death of one or both of the infants. Carson agreed to undertake the operation. A 70-member surgical team, led by Dr. Carson, worked for 22 hours. At the end, the twins were successfully separated and can now survive independently.
Carson's other surgical innovations have included the first intra-uterine procedure to relieve pressure on the brain of a hydrocephalic fetal twin, and a hemispherectomy, in which an infant suffering from uncontrollable seizures has half of its brain removed. This stops the seizures, and the remaining half of the brain actually compensates for the missing hemisphere.
In addition to his medical practice, Dr. Carson is in constant demand as a public speaker, and devotes much of his time to meeting with groups of young people. In 2008, the White House announced that Benjamin Carson would receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor.
Benjamin Carson Biography Photo
Dr. Carson's books include a memoir, Gifted Hands, and a motivational book, Think Big. Carson says the letters of "Think Big" stand for the following:
Talent: Our Creator has endowed all of us not just with the ability to sing, dance or throw a ball, but with intellectual talent. Start getting in touch with that part of you that is intellectual and develop that, and think of careers that will allow you to use that.
Honesty: If you lead a clean and honest life, you don't put skeletons in the closet. If you put skeletons in the closet, they definitely will come back just when you don't want to see them and ruin your life.
Benjamin Carson Biography Photo
Insight: It comes from people who have already gone where you're trying to go. Learn from their triumphs and their mistakes.
Nice: If you're nice to people, then once they get over the suspicion of why you're being nice, they will be nice to you.
Knowledge: It makes you into a more valuable person. The more knowledge you have, the more people need you. It's an interesting phenomenon, but when people need you, they pay you, so you'll be okay in life.
Books: They are the mechanism for obtaining knowledge, as opposed to television.
In-Depth Learning: Learn for the sake of knowledge and understanding, rather than for the sake of impressing people or taking a test.
God: Never get too big for Him. 
